Undone. How perfect a word can be. How perfect a title
can suit a story.
We're talking about "Undone" by Cat Clarke here. I actually
don't want to talk about it. I was trying to keep my mouth shut because I am
afraid that the moment I start to talk about it, I'm going cry (sob) and I'm not going to stop ever.
But in a way, I want to get it out. Write about it. Pour it in paper (wordpad, in exact). I want to write
about it so one day, when I'm fully moved on and recovered (never gonna happen) from the story, I
can read this post and reminisce it.
This may be totally dramatic. And I may be trying to fight the tears
right now. But everyone's allowed to be emotional, right?
So let me start so I can get back in the corner of my room and just sob
over Jemima Halliday's story.
I've had that book (epub) in
my library (electronic) for like
months before what I call The Day. I've always have it there but I never really
had a chance to read it. So when The Day came, I was kind of really really
bored and it was the night that I actually couldn't sleep. And so I settled myself.
I opened the "Random Bookshelf" in my library and it was the book
that caught my eye. It was right there. Third book on top. With the cover of a
girl in a dress facing back. About to jump off. And there was that word. The title. It was almost like a spell.
I selected the book, trying to open the options tab if there is a
synopsis. There is none. I was kind of disappointed. I find it a bit scary to
read a book without reading the back page. But it also is kind of exciting, not
knowing what to expect. So I was fighting with two options in my head: a) I'm
going to leave it there. Not reading it until I know what to expect from it, or
b) Read it and let's see where I'll go. I chose B.
I opened the book with such anticipation. I didn't know Cat Clarke. I
haven't read any of her books before. And then there was the prologue right
before my eyes. Then I couldn't stop. I couldn't let go of it.
I think it was because I am kind of a Jemima Halliday myself. We have
things in common, I guess.
It was when Kai died that I felt more into this book. It was that
absorbing and so good. I felt it through me. The book is like shouting
everything it needs to say. And I think, it did well in that category.
I did find myself crying in some parts of it. There were moments when
I'd just bit my lip just so the tears won't come out. And then... Then I came
to the end.
The end is–
I don't even know how to describe it. It was... It was
painful...devastatingly and depressingly painful. I will never forget Jem's
last thought. Her last sentence, to be exact. I will never forget how badly it
was stuck in my head. How I gasp and cried when I've read it: “I
chose life too late.”
I think it was the saddest thing someone could ever say. When I was
finished reading, I felt odd. Weirdly odd. I became so absorb in the story. I
didn't expect she'd actually do it. And that last chapter...
There were so many what ifs and if only’s right after. It could have
been better, or at least okay with Jem, Lucas and Sasha. But I think that why I
liked the story so much. Because it was some book where the reader was not
allowed to dictate what's going to happen. It allowed it self to end in a way
that it thinks will happen. A stinging slap in the face of happy endings.
And I think it's one of those books that has never finished what it
wants to say. Although it was almost shouting at the reader, there's still that
feeling that it was not yet done. Not that way. Not like that.
It was somewhat unfair for the story to end just there. I hangs around
just at that perfect moment. But it is also why I liked it so much. How ironic,
right? I find it unfair because it hangs right there and I like it so much
because it hangs right there.
Others may find it just an ordinary young adult novel. But if you try
to look beyond the surface, there are a lot more to it. It was like a fancy
facade in front of a deep well.
Right now, I'm still trying to figure out how to forget Jem, Kai,
Lucas, and Sasha. But I think, the story will stay me for a while (forever). :)
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