Saturday, February 9, 2013

Insecurity Alert

The thing about insecurity is that you never get over it. It stays
with you no matter how you try to deny matter how much you try
to over come it.

It's still there. And you feel stupid about it. Because you're not
supposed to feel insecure anymore. You're supposed to be a grown up
who has confidence.

But confidence was never a friend. It's a traitor that leaves you when
you needed it the most. And then you're left with your best friend
insecurity, yet again.

Moments will come when you thought you've over come your insecurity.
But then one thing will happen that will make you realize that you
still got it. It's still there...even just in the back of your mind.

I realized that you never really get over insecurity. It builds up
inside you. The only thing you can do about it is to hide it...or at
least you try to. Though, it's really hard work, you should never let
others know how insecure or stupid you feel.

Well, maybe they say insecurity is for the weak. Who cares?! Everyone
have insecurities. Others are just experts at hiding it.

For the record, not because you're insecure, doesn't mean you're weak.
And confidence is not a symbol of being strong.


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