Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How to Win the War?

The thing about not getting what you want is the frustration and
desperation that came along. The desperation that you really want
something, and the frustration that you can't have it.

When you're a Princess, people in the kingdom will thinj that you have
everything...but they just don't know how many things you've been
missing every single day. They just don't know how helpless you're
becoming each time you failed to get what you want.

The Princess doesn't even know how to get what she wanted. Or maybe
the right term was that she doesn't even know what she wants. There's
a little voice inside her that says she's too far...that she's too
damn far from what she wants. And it freaking annoys her. Deep down
inside, she's a sucker for getting everything...but not this time. Not
this time because what she wanted is not what she needed.

But still, there's that little hope inside her. There's that little
voice saying she can get what she wants, despite of all the voices
that tells her she can't.

The more the Princess thinks about it, the more real it becomes...the
more closer she felt. And with the right game plan, with the right
army on her side, she knew she can win the war.


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