Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pretty Boy

Right from the start, I should have known
I should've realize I was better off on my own
How could I have been so stupid trusting you?
Why did I ever believe this love could be true?

I was starring off a distance by the window pane
Don't know if I'm waiting for a shooting star or an airplane
I'm going to wish you'd never changed your mind
Or maybe just blame myself for being so blind.

The radio's on, playing another beautiful, sad song
The lyrics just reminds me of how everything went so wrong
The pain inside creeps up every bit of me
I can't believe now you're just a memory.

It hurts to know that you never really cared
How stupid of me to think we're perfectly paired
Tonight I'll sleep replaying everything that happened
Or maybe because of you, I won't be able to sleep again.

One second you're here, now you're gone so fast
It's like a fantasy movie where we are the main casts
God, I wish I had the power to get you out my mind
'Cause my heart is broken, only pieces I can find.

I'll turn off the lights, maybe shut my feelings too
But I'm scared that tonight, I would still dream about you
One look, one smile; in the blink of an eye
I'll fall once more and for the same reason, again I'll cry.

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